Tactical Research to Improve AR/VR & Wearable Technology

Discovered AR/VR users’ preferences for various system input methods and user satisfaction across different UI specifications.

Discovered navigation errors across 2 different user settings for EMG-based input devices.

*Under NDA - Contact me for details *


At User Research International, I spearheaded various mixed-methods research studies, including Usability Testing, Benchmarking, and A/B Testing for AR/VR and Wearable Technology products for clients such as Meta, Google, and Apple.

I owned the studies end-to-end, collaborating with various clients, PMs, and Research Scientists to define goals and timelines for three different projects. Not only did I lead the planning and scoping of the research activities, but I also moderated 80+ sessions within a span of 5 weeks. Using tools such as Qualtrics, User Data Logs, and OBS, I recorded participant data, which I later analyzed using tools such as R, Excel, and Miro.

The study on the EMG-based input Wearable Technology, featuring an EMG input device, concluded with the analysis of data using the Chi-Squared test and sharing the data with the client in the form of written reports and presentations. The two AR/VR studies culminated in qualitative data analysis using Miro, along with the sharing of data logs with the client.

I would love to talk more about these NDA-signed studies. Reach out to me on my email and we can schedule a call.